RA Police Hotline
    • For general inquiries
      (+374) 10 54-69-14
      (+374) 10 54-69-12
      Working hours : 9:00 – 13.00 (lunch break : 13:00 - 14:00), 14:00 - 18:00. Weekend Holidays : Saturdays and Sundays:
    • Traffic police
      1-77, 060-83-10-22
+37460-83-83-02 on issues related to the functions of the registration and examination subdivisions of the Traffic Police (obtaining a driver's license, exchange, registration of vehicles, renaming, etc.)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
Persons responsible for freedom of information
  • For general inquiries
    (+374) 10 54-69-14
    (+374) 10 54-69-12
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-58-76-03)
  • Traffic police
    Mob.: 1-77
    (responsible person: mob.: 060-83-10-23)
  • Passport and Visa Department
    (+374) 10 37-02-64
    (responsible person: tel.: 011-37-06-00)
  • For trafficking and migration issues
    On-duty service
    (responsible person: tel. 011-56- 39-63)

New Police home bases in Erebouni and Mashtots communities

10.09.2012 23:33

According to regulations on organizing Community Policing in the Republicof Armenia, approved by the order of the Head of the RA Police, Lieutenant General Vladimir Gasparyan, the service is implemented by means of Police Outreach Stations. Respective to the approved schedule, on September 4 two more Police Outreach Stations were opened in Erebouni and Mashtots communities.
The Head of the RA Police Vladimir Gasparyan was present at the opening ceremony.  And the opening ceremony was conducted by the population of the community, which was symbolic, as the Community Policing cannot exist and operate without close cooperation between Police and society.  Congratulating the population on the occasion of the establishment of Outreach Stations, the Head of Police Vladimir Gasparyan attached the importance to the significance of Public Policing in providing services to the population and fulfilling the combat against crime, as well as strengthening confidence of public toward Police and ties among public and Police.
It is very good, that the significance of the Outreach Stations is positively received by the public.  People start to perceive a police officer as a family member, defender and consultant.  The community police officer has to justify the population’s confidence, and has to organize its work in a new way, and value Police-population interrelations and its mission.
Organization of the Community Policing virtually develops into a more comprehensive and profound process, the outcomes of which will be cardinal and irreversible reforms, Police activities will be focused on people, and its purpose will be to provide service to population, the top priority – to establish and maintain a fair and secure environment.  The population is eager to participate in the establishment of such a Police system.  The aforementioned, being the objective of the Police service, is more of the wish and the aim of the public.